Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's ok, we haven't washed away. But it was apparently the biggest risk of a tsunami in New Zealand in my managers life time (he's 40 I think). As you can see by these squiggley lines from :

I was slightly worried when the data from Raoul Island stopped coming in!

On a happier note here are Stephanie and Collen (who are well away from any seismic activity)-->

Monday, September 28, 2009


Mike doesn't go on holidays unless they involve a sporting event, so I went off to Queenstown for a week snowboarding with Brian.

Unfortunately, it took a lot of throwing myself at the ground when I was going scarily fast (hmmm well maybe not that fast), as well as multiple bruises on top of bruises. To add to the annoyance, a girl kept on following me around taking pictures.

Eventually though, I was able to pretend I knew what I was doing, even if I didn't quite get used to getting off the chairlifts.

Brian is a good snowboarder (previous broken collar bone aside), but not when he wants me to take a picture of him :

Brian : "Right, take it now"
Me : "Ok"
Brian : "Splat"

I think it is actually written into Queenstown local by-laws that you have to do a bungy jump when you're here, so who am I to say no:


At this point I'm probably my most scared.

You can just about see it in my face ;)

About now I've decided that there's no going back (my street cred would be ruined), so I may as well enjoy what could be my last minute alive.


<--- Now I'm thinking "why did I think it was a good idea to jump off this perfectly safe bridge?".

"weeeeeeeeee" -->

<-- "woohooo"

Now I'm talking complete jibberish to the
two guys in the boat, a possible side effect
of the endorphine high. -->

Friday, September 25, 2009

Hello family and friends!!

As you may all have noticed, I am really bad at keeping in touch. When I lived on the same continent as you this wasn't so much of a problem, but now it may seem like I am lazy (which COULD also be a factor). So, in an attempt to find a “work-around” for my telephonophobia, I have started this blog.

First of all I should say that Mike has issues with blogs. He thinks that they are mostly personalised versions of “Anne and Barry” books (or “Peter and Jane” books in the UK). Hence the title and the fact that he is in no way affiliated with this blog or any subsidiary blog which may arise in the future. With this in mind I promise not to write too much rubbish, but to put up lots of pictures.

However, if you are related to me (us), you are obligated to read this on a regular basis and I (we) expect lots of loving comments ;).